With our partners, SEE-Partnerships has administered over 30 surveys of early childhood educators, providers, and families of young children since 2018. We have several surveys ongoing and upcoming. Use the links below to find out more about specific surveys.
Please note that, due to data privacy requirements, we are unable to share individual survey response level data with external parties. In some cases, we may be able to share limited, aggregated data. Please contact Isabelle Fares (Senior Data Specialist) at [email protected] if you have a specific request.
If you use our survey items in your own work, please be sure to cite our team. Citations can be found within the survey instruments. Thank you!
Please note that, due to data privacy requirements, we are unable to share individual survey response level data with external parties. In some cases, we may be able to share limited, aggregated data. Please contact Isabelle Fares (Senior Data Specialist) at [email protected] if you have a specific request.
If you use our survey items in your own work, please be sure to cite our team. Citations can be found within the survey instruments. Thank you!
Virginia Child Care Provider Surveys
The Virginia Child Care Provider Survey has been administered annually since 2021. These surveys are distributed to all child care providers in the Virginia Department of Social Services’ licensing system. The SEE-Partnerships team uses these surveys to collect information about staffing, finances, and enrollment at child care sites across Virginia, and they have a particular focus on providers’ experiences with the Child Care Subsidy Program (CCSP).
2023 Virginia Child Care Provider Survey
2022 Virginia Child Care Provider Survey
2021 Virginia Child Care Provider Survey
2022 Virginia Child Care Provider Survey
2021 Virginia Child Care Provider Survey
Virginia Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce Surveys
Virginia Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce Surveys have been administered annually since 2019, with two administrations in 2020. The SEE-Partnerships team uses these surveys to collect information from ECCE teachers, site leaders/administrators, and family day home providers at sites participating in Virginia’s Birth to 5 quality initiative (VQB5). These surveys focus on the experiences of the ECCE workforce in Virginia, including compensation, job satisfaction, and experiences with state policies/programs.
2024 Virginia Workforce Survey
2023 Virginia Workforce Survey
2022 Virginia Workforce Survey
2021 Virginia Teacher Survey
2021 Virginia Family Day Home Survey
2023 Virginia Workforce Survey
2022 Virginia Workforce Survey
2021 Virginia Teacher Survey
2021 Virginia Family Day Home Survey
Virginia Family Surveys
Virginia Family Surveys were administered in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023 (ongoing). The SEE-Partnerships team uses these surveys to collect information about families’ experiences with finding and accessing child care in Virginia. Samples for these surveys vary from year to year; surveys in 2019 and 2021 focused on families with children at VQB5 sites, while the 2020 survey included any family with children 0-5. The 2023 Virginia Family Survey focuses on families who interacted with Virginia’s Child Care Subsidy Program.
Louisiana Early Care and Education Workforce Surveys
Louisiana Early Care and Education Workforce Surveys were administered in 2018, 2019, 2020 (2 administrations), 2021, and 2022. The SEE-Partnerships team used these surveys to collect information from ECE teachers and site leaders/administrators. These surveys focused on the experiences of the ECE workforce in Louisiana, including compensation, job satisfaction, and experiences with state policies/programs.